Order Cancellation Fee: In instances where your order hasn't shipped but you request to cancel it after placing it, your refund issued will be for the original amount paid minus a processing fee of 2.9% + $0.29. If you used a PayPal account, that fee will be 3.49% +$0.49. And if you used Shop Pay or Shop Pay Installments, that fee will be 5.9% +$0.30.
Additionally, if you used a PayPal account not in the USA, the processing fee will be 4.99%+ $0.49. For customers placing orders outside of the USA, the processing fee is ~4%+$0.10.
Please understand that this is largely due to payment processors no longer refunding processing fees to us merchants. Each time an order is placed, our payment processor charges us a non-refundable fee to process that order.
Additionally, any orders that require customizations or a known lead time that is made aware to you beforehand cannot be cancelled. Exceptions will be made on a case-to-case basis and may be subject to a 25% restocking fee.